Cherry Garcia?

While in Vermont, we happened to be passing by Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory so we had to stop in.  IMG_20150725_164635381

We went to see the Flavour Graveyard — apparently, peanut butter and jelly was not a popular flavour. Who would have thought?!IMG_20150725_163039810_HDR

Hanging out in Montreal

There are lots of things going on in Montreal.  As we wandered, it seemed like we stumbled upon festival after festival. The swing was part of the Just for Laughs Comedy Festival. I’m surprised by all of the free events….it’s such a treat!IMG_20150724_174229896


Almost 4 weeks have passed since we ate at Katz’s in NYC, so we had to try Montreal’s Schwartz’s Deli. It’s been smoking meat for 80-something years.IMG_20150724_181228993IMG_20150724_182826612



We walked around for several hours.  Sophie thinks Vancouverites are much healthier — “Why does everyone smoke?”

We went to see Notre Dame Cathedral. IMG_20150724_201804901_HDR


And, we were all a bit tired.IMG_20150724_201637471_HDR



Tour de Quebec …

Yesterday, we cycled 28 kilometers around Quebec City. We’re staying at the city-run campsite in Beauport which offers free bicycles.  You can imagine the condition of the bicycles; however, we decided to cycle to le centre ville. My bicycle had a terribly bent tire but we discovered that Quebec City has great cycle paths.IMG_20150723_122052465_HDRIMG_20150723_135546450_HDR


We stopped at the Marche de Vieux Port for yet another picnic lunch — quiche lorraine.IMG_20150723_124022908



We visited La Place Royal, learned about Samuel de Champlain and tried on costumes.  Tres drole, n’est pas?!IMG_20150723_152702545IMG_20150723_152742677



We feasted on some traditional French-Canadian delicacies — poutine!IMG_20150723_173354535


And of course, we had to stop by La Petite Cabane a Sucre for la syrup d’erable!






C’est fantastique! We’ve been exploring the old city & its walls. Quebec is the only walled city in N. America, north of Mexico.IMG_20150722_154834963


IMG_20150722_162206370We went to see the Chateau Frontenac.IMG_20150722_124356227

IMG_20150722_161129847And, we wandered the old streets, went to the Citadel and saw a free circus in the evening.  It was incroyable! –very Cirque de la Soleil.





Confederation, Ceilidhs and Cow’s Ice Cream

Even though the weather has not been ideal, Prince Edward Island has been a highlight.

We visited Province House in Charlottetown, the building which housed the initial talks re: Confederation in 1864.IMG_20150719_112118916


We fully enjoyed Charlottetown’s Festival.  All summer, there is live music on every corner.  We went to see Anne of Green Gables, the musical.  And, went to a Ceilidh –our favourite! Scattered all over the island, there are Ceilidhs every night.



Hanging out in front of Dunstan Cathedral, Charlottetown.


And, you can’t miss the Cow’s ice cream which is everywhere.IMG_20150718_165039188